Our team’s principles
The team at TIC Systems adhere to a set of leadership principles to guide daily activities and work expectations. These principles empower our staff with the autonomy to make decisions which leads to a highly effective and productive organization. If you want a career at TIC Systems, please read though our Leadership Principles and ensure they align with your expectations.
If they win, we win
Our business impacts our users’ lives. Our best measure of success is our business impact. This means better serving our customers, as this helps us succeed and grow.
Respectful debate, commitment, and trust
We spend a lot of time at work with our team, and we want that time to be both productive and enjoyable. To balance this, we all agree to be obligated to respectfully challenge when we disagree, even when doing so is uncomfortable. We do not compromise for the sake of social cohesion because we all want the best solution. However, once a decision is determined, we commit wholly to it.
With respect, we communicate better, and candour becomes easy.
With truth comes trust and stronger relationships.
“Good communication must be HOT; Honest, Open, and Two-way.”
Dan Oswald
Listen, really listen
Listening is a commitment to give value to another’s words and ideas.
Listening, to hear and understand – not just to respond, creates a teamwork culture that’s empowering.
Attempt to steelman the other person’s position. Present the best interpretation of what the other person is saying, asking if you have represented them correctly. A steelman helps with your understanding and reduces the chance of straw-manning their argument.
“Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply.”
Stephen R. Covey
Foster high-agency
Empower others to take ownership and responsibility, to be resourceful and sceptical towards best practices. Low agency results in “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than to get permission.” High agency people don’t need permission, and they own their decisions.
Aim high, embrace constraints and iterate to deliver results
“Believe Big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievements”
David J. Schwartz
As a group, we set exceptionally high standards of ourselves as we strive to build the best products and services. In order to achieve this, we cannot be afraid to take risks when appropriate. However, delivery matters, so we do not let perfection be the enemy of good. Many decisions and actions are reversible and can be made quickly, so embrace invention and iterate quickly, improving as you go.
Growing headcount, budget size, or fixed expense without revenue will be reflected poorly in our business’s financial results and your performance review.
Necessity is the mother of invention
“When the need for something becomes imperative, you are forced to find ways of getting or achieving it.”
UK English Dictionary. Oxford University Press.
Constraints breed resourcefulness. We want to use frugal design principles to build sophisticated products that optimise their use of resources. This is not easy to do and relies upon the need for simple designs that meet or exceed the requirements.
Be brave. Push simple ideas. Do not ever feel stupid to suggest a simple solution. Never berate simple ideas, as they are often the best. Remove the unnecessary, even if it’s challenging.
Be curious and apply knowledge
We are curious, well-read, and inquisitive. We are quick and eager to apply our knowledge when required.
Have ownership
We never say, “That’s not my job”. We are all Leaders. We are decisive. We conquer problems and reject the urge to assign blame to take full responsibility.
Where should you use them?
It is mandatory to communicate the company’s values and principles to candidates.
Our evaluation criteria include steps to ensure candidates support and agree to the company’s values.
Leadership Principles are used to guide daily activities and work expectations.
Ensuring your work is aligned with the company’s leadership principles as it is part of your job description.
Performance Reviews
Performance review questions refer to the company’s leadership principles.